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HomeSyllabusAnna University Syllabus 2023: Get UG/ PG Entrance, Semester Exam Syllabus

Anna University Syllabus 2023: Get UG/ PG Entrance, Semester Exam Syllabus

Anna University Syllabus 2023- Download UG/ PG Syllabus Pdf

Anna University was named after Late Dr. C.N Annadurai. Formally he was the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu. The University was established on 4th September 1978. It offers many courses in higher education like Engineering, Technology, Architecture, and Applied Science that are relevant to the current needs of society. Anna University offers cooperation between the academic and industrial communities. It conducts the TANCET Exam. The candidate is allowed to know the syllabus before appearing in the exam to get a good result. The entrance examination is a computer-based exam. The following are details regarding the syllabus 2023 are as follows.

Anna University Syllabus 2023

A candidate who is waiting for the syllabus of Anna University can check their syllabus here. The syllabus is necessary because with the help of the syllabus candidate can get good results. The Syllabus of Anna University can also be downloaded from the Official website of Anna University.

Part I Engineering Mathematics Syllabus

The syllabus of Part I of the Question Paper will cover the following topics-

Calculus and Differential Equations

Partial DerivativesJacobiansTaylor’s Expansion
Maxima and MinimaFormation of Partial Differential EquationsThe solution of First-Order Partial Differential Equation
The solution of Linear Higher Order of Partial Differential Equations with constant coefficientsLinear Ordinary Differential Equations with constant coefficientsSimultaneous First-Order Linear Equations with constant coefficients
Fourier Integral TheoremFourier Transform PairSine and Cosine Transforms
Inverse Z TransformSolutions to the differential equations using Z-TransformInverse Transform
Laplace TransformApplication to Solution of Linear Ordinary Differential Equations with constant coefficients
Functions of Complex Variables and Complex Integration
Analytic FunctionsConformal MappingResidue Theorem and its applications
Bilinear TransformationSingularitiesTaylor and Laurent Series
Cauchy’s Integral Theorem and Integral Theorem
Applied Probability
Probability and Random VariablesStandard Discrete and Continuous DistributionCo-Variance
Correlation and RegressionTwo-Dimensional Random VariablesMoments
Moment Generating Function and their properties
Determinants and Matrices
Solving Systems of equationsRank of MatrixEigenvalues  and Eigenvectors
Reduction of Quadratic Form into Canonical Form
Vector Calculus
Double and Triple Integrations and their applicationsGauss DivergenceStroke’s Theorem
Numerical Methods
Solutions of Linear Systems by Direct and Iterative MethodsInterpolation and ApproximationNumerical Differentiation and Integration
Solving Ordinary Differential Equations

Basic Engineering and Sciences Part-II

PhysicsSound, Lattices, Laser, Fiber Optics, X-Ray Radiography, Planck’s Quantum Theory, Ultrasonic Flaw Detector, Interference Fringes
ChemistryAdsorption, Chromatography, Chemical Kinetics, Spectroscopy, Electrochemistry, Fuels, and Combustion
Applied MechanicsLaw of Mechanics, Lame’s Theorem, Moment of Inertia, Displacement Velocity, Moments and Couples, Forces, Acceleration, Friction
ComputersComputer Organization, Architecture, Arrays, Pointers, User Defined Functions, and C-Program
Material ScienceConductor and Semi-Conductor Materials, Ceramic and Super-Conductor Materials, Fracture, Magnetic and Dielectric Materials
Mechanical EngineeringLaw of Thermodynamics, Open and Closed Systems, Equation of State, and Heat and Work
Electrical EngineeringOhm’s Law, Kirchoff’s Law, AC Circuits, DC Machines, Transformers, Synchronous Machines, Instrumentation
Civil EngineeringFluid Statistics and Dynamics, Boundary Layer, Environmental Pollution, Pumps, and Turbines

Specialized Subject Part-III

The following table represents the subjects are as follows.

Civil EngineeringComputer Science Engineering and Information Technology
Electrical and Electronics EngineeringElectronics and Communication Engineering
Mechanical EngineeringAeronautical and Aerospace Engineering
Agriculture and Irrigation EngineeringArchitecture
Automobile EngineeringBio-Medical Engineering
Bio-TechnologyChemical Engineering
Earth SciencesGeo-Informatics
Leather TechnologyMathematics
PhysicsPrinting Technology
Production and Industrial EngineeringSocial Sciences
Textile Engineering

MBA Syllabus

  • Reading Comprehension (English Language) and Verbal Ability– Reading Comprehension, Synonyms, Antonyms, Fill in the Blanks, Grammar, Vocabulary, Sentence Corrections, Idioms, Cloze Test, One Word Substitution.
  • Quantitative Aptitude – HCF and LCM, Number System, Ratios and Averages, Percentages, Probability, Set Theory, Binomial Theorem, Simple and Compound Interest, Profit and Loss, Time, Speed, and Distance, Mixtures and Allegations, Quadratic Equations, Surds and Indices, Geometry, Modulus, Set Theory, Functions and Inequalities, Mensuration, Coordinate Geometry, Permutation, and Combination, Logarithms, Series and Progressions
  • Data Sufficiency – Number Systems, Arithmetic Topics, and Algebra. Pie-Chart, Line Graph, Bar Graph, and Tables.

MCA Syllabi Anna University

  • Quantitative Aptitude – HCF and LCM, Number System, Ratios and Averages, Percentages, Probability, Set Theory, Binomial Theorem, Simple and Compound Interest, Profit and Loss, Time, Speed, and Distance, Mixtures and Allegations, Quadratic Equations, Surds and Indices, Geometry, Modulus, Set Theory, Functions and Inequalities, Mensuration, Coordinate Geometry, Permutation and Combination, Logarithms, Series and Progressions
  • Analytical and Logical Reasoning– Linear and Circular Arrangements, Selections, Coding and Decoding, Direction Sense, Blood Relations, Syllogisms and Puzzles, Binary Logic, Decision Making, Analogies
  • Computer Awareness – Computer Hardware, Basic Terminology, Network Basics, Languages and Algorithms, History of Computer, Computer Organization, Computer Abbreviations, Security Tools, Computer Architecture

Download Syllabus Pdf

Academic Syllabus Pdf Links

The detailed curriculum and syllabi are as listed:

I Full time

Faculty of Civil Engineering

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

II Part-time

Faculty of Civil Engineering

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Faculty of Information and Communication

R2018 (B.E.- CSE) RUSA

M.E / M.Tech / M.Sc

Anna University Entrance Exam Pattern

The following table represents the Pattern of the exam.

Duration of Examination2 Hours
Mode of examinationOffline Mode
Total Marks100
Marking Scheme1 mark for each correct answer and 1/5 is applicable for every wrong answer.


Question-1, How can we check the Syllabus of Anna University?
Candidates can check the syllabus of the Anna University from our website the link given in the article or by following the steps given in the article.
Question-2, How can we check the Anna University UG Syllabus?
Candidates can check the Anna University UG Syllabus from our website the link given in the article.
Question-3, What is the official website of Anna University?
The official website of BTEUP is
Question-4, How can we check the Anna University PG Syllabus?
Candidates can check the Anna University PG Syllabus from our website the link given in the article.
Question-5, What type of courses offered by the Anna University?
The list of all courses of Anna University is given in our article.

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