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UPSEE Syllabus 2021 – Download UPSEE Entrance Exam Maths, Physics, and Chemistry Syllabus PDF 2021

UPSEE Syllabus 2021 – Download All Papers Syllabus with Subject-Wise

UPSEE is known as Uttar Pradesh Entrance Exam. The Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU) conducts state level entrance examination formally known as Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU). AKTU organizes the Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Exam (UPSEE) for admission to various courses in colleges affiliated to AKTU of Uttar Pradesh India.

Dr. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU) has been released the syllabus of UPSEE along with the official Notification. All the students are advised to must be aware of the UPSEE Syllabus 2021 before applying the for entrance exam. UPSEE Syllabus 2021 is very helpful for all the students to make a perfect strategy for preparation of the entrance exam. when the students are aware of the UPSEE Syllabus 2021, Then they can easily cover all topics before the examination.

The Examination of UPSEE will be based on pen paper mode. According to exam pattern of UPSEE 2021, there will be two papers in entrance exam Paper – 1 and Paper – 2. The paper will be divided into three sections with a total of 150 questions.

UPSEE Counselling 2021

UPSEE Syllabus 2021

The students who are looking for the UPSEE Paper 1 Syllabus of Physics, Chemistry, And Mathematics can get here all details.

UPSEE Section A Physics Syllabus 2021 For Paper 1

Measurement: Dimensional analysis and error estimation, dimensional compatibility, and significant figures.

Motion in one dimension: Average velocity, instantaneous velocity, one-dimensional motion with constant
accelerations, freely falling bodies.

Laws of Motion: Force and inertia, Newton’s laws of motion, and their significance.

Motion in two dimensions: Projectile motion, uniform circular motion, tangential and radial acceleration in curve-linear motion, relative motion and relative acceleration.

Work, Power and Energy: Work done by a constant and variable forces, kinetic and potential energy, power, Conservative and non-conservative forces, conservation of energy, gravitational energy, work-energy theorem, potential energy stored in a spring.

Linear Momentum & collisions: Linear momentum & impulse, conservation of linear momentum for two particle system, collisions, collision in one dimension, collision in two dimension, rocket propulsion.

Rotation of a rigid body about a fixed axis: Angular velocity and angular acceleration, rotational kinematics, rotational motion with constant angular acceleration relationship between angular and linear quantities, rotational energy, moment of inertia for a ring, rod, spherical shell, sphere and plane lamina, torque
and angular acceleration, work and energy in rotational motion, rolling motion of a solid sphere and cylinder.

Gravitation: Gravitational field, Kepler’s laws and motion of planets, planetary and satellite motion, geostationary satellite.

Oscillatory motion: Harmonic motion, oscillatory motion of mass attached to a spring, kinetic & potential energy, Time Period of simple pendulum, comparing simple and harmonic motion with uniform circular motion, forced oscillations, damped oscillations andresonance.

Mechanics of solids and fluids: States of matter young’s modulus, bulk modulus, shear modulus of rigidity, variations of pressure with depth, Buoyant forces and Archimedes principle, Pascal’s law, Bernoulli’s theorem, and its application, surface energy, surface tension, angle of contact, capillary rise, coefficient of viscosity,
viscous force, terminal velocity, Stoke’s law, stream line motion, Reynold’s numbers.

Heat and thermodynamics: First law of thermodynamics, specific heat of an ideal gas at constant volume and constant pressure, relation between them, thermodynamics process (reversible, irreversible, isothermal, adiabatic), second law of thermodynamics, concept of entropy and concept of absolute scale, efficiency of a
Carnot engine, thermal conductivity, Newton’s law of cooling, black body radiation, Wien’s displacement law,Stefan’s law.

Wave: Wave motion, phase, amplitude and velocity of wave, Newton’s formula for longitudinal waves, propagation of sound waves in air, effect of temperature and pressure on velocity of sound, Laplace’s correction, Principle of superposition, formation of standing waves, standing waves in strings and pipes, beats,
Doppler’s effect.

Electrostatics: Coulomb’s law, electric field and potential due to point charge, dipole and its field along the axis and perpendicular to axis, electric flux, Gauss’s theorem and its applications to find the field due to infinite sheet of charge, and inside the hallow conducting sphere, capacitance, parallel plate capacitor with air and dielectric medium between the Plates, series and parallel combination of capacitors, energy of acapacitor, displacement currents.

Current Electricity: Concept of free and bound electrons, drift velocity and mobility, electric current, Ohm’s law, resistivity, conductivity, temperature dependency of resistance, resistance in series and parallel combination, Kirchhoff’s law and their application to network of resistances, principle of potentiometer, effect
of temperature on resistance and its application.

Magnetic Effect of Current: Magnetic field due to current, Biot-Savart’s law, magnetic field due to solenoid, motion of charge in a magnetic field, force on a current carrying conductors and torque on current loop in a magnetic field, magnetic flux, forces between two parallel current carrying conductors, moving coil
galvanometer and its conversion into ammeter and voltmeter.

Magnetism in Matter: The magnetization of substance due to orbital and spin motions of electrons, magnetic moment of atoms, diamagnetism, paramagnetism, ferromagnetism, earth’s magnetic field and its components and their measurement.
Electromagnetic induction: Inducede. m.f., Faraday’slaws, Lenz’slaw, electromagneticinduction, self and mutual induction, B-H curve, hysteresis loss and its importance, eddycurrents.

Ray Optics and optical instruments: Sources of light, luminous intensity, luminous flux, illuminance, photometry, wave nature of light, Huygen’s theory for propagation of light and rectilinear propagation of light, reflection of light , total internal reflection, reflection and refraction at spherical surfaces, focal length of a combination of lenses, spherical and chromatic aberration and their removal, refraction and dispersion of light due to a prism, simple and compound microscope, reflecting and refracting telescope, magnifying power and resolving power.

Wave Optics: Coherent and incoherent sources of light, interference, young’s double slit experiment diffraction due to a single slit, linearly polarized light, Polaroid.

Modern Physics: Photo-electric equation, matterwaves, quantization, Planck’s hypothesis, Bohr’ smodel of hydrogen atom and its spectra, ionization potential, Rydberg constant, solar spectrum and Fraunhofer lines, fluorescence and phosphorescence, X-Rays and their productions, characteristic and continuous spectra. Nuclear Instability, radioactive decay laws, Emission of rays, Mass – defect, Mass Energy equivalence, Nuclear Fission Nuclear Reactors, Nuclear Fusion.
Classification of conductors, Insulators and semiconductors on the basis of energy bands in solids, PN junction, PN Diode, junction Transistors, Transistor as an amplifier and Oscillator. Principles of Logic Gates ( AND, OR and NOT ) Analog Vs Digital communication, Difference between Radio and television, Signal propagation, Principle of LASER and MASER, Population Inversion,
Spontaneous and stimulated Emission.

UPSEE Section B Chemistry Syllabus 2021

Atomic Structure: Bohr’s concept. Quantum numbers, Electronic configuration, molecular orbital theory for homo-nuclear molecules, Pauli’s exclusion principle.

Chemical Bonding: Electrovalency, co-valency, hybridization involving s, p and d orbitals hydrogen bonding.

Redox Reactions: Oxidation number, oxidising and reducing agents, balancing of equations.

Chemical Equilibrium and Kinetics: Equilibrium constant (for gaseous system only) Le Chatelier’s principle, ionic equilibrium, Ostwald’s dilution law, hydrolysis, pH and buffer solution, solubility product, common-ion effect, rate constant and first order reaction.

Acid-Base Concepts: Bronsted Lowry & Lewis. Electrochemistry: Electrode potential and electro-chemical series.

Catalysis: Types and applications.

Colloids: Types and preparation, Brownian movement, Tyndall effect, coagulation and peptization.

Colligative Properties of Solution: Lowering of vapor pressure, Osmotic pressure, depression of freezing point, elevation of boiling point, determination of molecular weight.

Periodic Table: Classification of elements on the basis of electronic configuration, properties of s,p and d block elements, ionization potential, electronegativity & electron affinity.

Preparation and Properties of the following: Hydrogen peroxide. copper sulfate, silver nitrate, plaster of Paris, borax, Mohr’s salt, alums, white and red lead, microcosmic salt and bleaching powder, sodium thiosulfate.

Thermo-chemistry: Exothermic & endothermic reactions Heat of reaction, Heat of combustion & formation, neutralization, Hess’s law.

General Organic Chemistry: Shape of organic compounds, Inductive effect, mesomeric effect, electrophiles & nucleophiles,

Reaction intermediates: carbonium ion, carbanions & free radical, Types of organic reactions, Cannizzaro Friedel Craft, Perkin, Aldol condensation.

Isomerism: Structural, Geometrical & Optical IUPAC: Nomenclature of simple organic compounds.

Polymers: Addition & condensation polymers

Carbohydrates: Monosaccharides.

Preparation and Properties Of the Followings: Hydrocarbons, monohydric alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, monocarboxylic acids, primary amines, benzene, nitrobenzene, aniline, phenol, benzaldehyde, benzoic acid, Grignard Reagent.

SolidState: Structure of simple ionic compounds,Crystal imperfections (pointdefectsonly), Born-Haber cycle

Petroleum: Important industrial fractions, cracking, octane number, anti knocking compounds.

UPSEE Section C, Mathematics Syllabus 2021

Algebra: Sets relations & functions, De-Morgan’s Law, Mapping Inverse relations, Equivalence relations, Peano’s axioms, Definition of rationals and integers through equivalence relation, Indices and surds, Solutions of simultaneous and quadratic equations, A.P., G.P. and H.P., Special sums i.e. ∑n2 and ∑n3 (n∑N ), Partial
fraction, Binomial theorem for any index, exponential series, Logarithm and Logarithmic series. Determinants and their use in solving simultaneous linear equations, Matrices, Algebra of matrices, Inverse of a matrix, Use of matrix for solving equations.

Probability: Definition, Dependent and independent events, Numerical problem on addition and multiplication, theorem of probability.

Trigonometry: Identities, Trigonometric equations, properties of triangles, solution of triangles, heights and distances, Inverse function, Complex numbers and their properties, Cube roots of unity, De-Moivre’s theorem.

Co-ordinate Geometry: Pair of straight lines, Circles, General equation of second degree, parabola, ellipse and hyperbola, tracing of conics.

Calculus: Limits & continuity of functions, Differentiation of function, tangents & normal, Simple examples of Maxima & Minima, Indeterminate forms, Integration of function by parts, by substitution and by partial fraction, definite integral, application to volumes and surfaces of frustums of sphere, cone and cylinder. Differential equations of first order and of first degree.

Vectors: Algebra of vectors, scalar and vector products of two and three vectors and their applications.

Dynamics: Velocity, composition of velocity, relative velocity, acceleration, composition of accelerations, Motion under gravity, Projectiles, Laws of motion, Principles of conservation of momentum and energy, direct impact of smooth bodies.

Statics: Composition of coplanar, concurrent and parallel forces moments and couples resultant of set of coplanar forces and condition of equilibrium, determination of centroid in simple cases, Problems involving friction.

UPSEE Paper Second Syllabus 2021

The students who are looking for the UPSEE Paper 2 Syllabus of Physics, Chemistry, And Biology can get here all details. The Physics and Chemistry syllabus is the same as paper 1 Syllabus.

UPSEE Section C Biology Syllabus 2021


Origin of Life: Oparin’s theory, Miller’s Experiment, Viruses – structure, properties, distribution, classification and pathogenesis (Eg. AIDS, CANCER), Viroids& Prions, Biotic balance.

Organic Evolution: Relationship among organisms and Evidences of organic Evolution – Principles of Evolution – Lamarckism, Darwinism and Speciation.

Mechanism of Organic Evolution: Variations – Definition, causes and types, Mutations (Principles of Hugode’vries), Role of mutations in speciation. Evolution through ages and human evolution

Human Genetics and Eugenics: Human hereditary traits, study of Twins, A.B.O. blood groups and their inheritance, Rh-factor, Sex determination. Chromosomal aberrations, Important human syndromes, Sex linked characters and their inheritance, Applied Genetics – eugenics, euthenics, euphenics& I.Q. Test.

Applied Biology: Wildlife of India – Endangered species: Biosphere Reserves, National Parks and sanctuaries, Project Tiger, Conservation of wildlife, Bio-energy, Poultry, Fisheries (edible fishes), Human Population, Population explosion, problems & control. Test – Tube Babies, & Amniocentesis, Application of Biotechnology in human welfare. Human Aging.

Mammalian Anatomy (Eg. Rabbit): Reproductive system (excluding embryonic development) Osteology, structure, and organization of different systems.

Animal Physiology:

(A) Animal Nutrition: Food, Balanced diet, Nutritional imbalances and deficiency diseases, Digestion, Absorption, Assimilation of food, (comparison between human andRabbit).
(B) Animal Excretion and Osmoregulation: Chemical nature of excretory products in various animals, Physiology of excretion, Function of liver and kidney (Homeostatic regulatory functions of kidneys), Formation of urine, Osmoregulation bykidneys.
(C) Respiratory system: Exchange and transport of gases (O2 and Co2) factors affecting O2 and Co2 transport, Cellular respiration, different lung volumes, breathing and sound production.
(D) Nervous systems: Central, autonomic and peripheral nervous system, Receptors, Effectors, Reflex- action. Nature and conduction of Nerve- impulses, Synapse, Sense organs – Structure & working of Eye & Ear, Biochemistry of vision and tastebuds.
(E) Endocrine System: Different endocrine glands and Hormones – definition, types, characteristics and their functions, (in relation to human beings), Hormonal disorders andpheromones.
(F) Circulatory System: Circulation of body fluids- Blood and lymph, Open and closed vascular systems, Structure and working physiology of Heart, Comparison between arteries and veins, Lymphaticsystem.
(G) Animal Diversity: Classification of Animal kingdom (Based on Storar & Eusinger), Characteristic feature of different phyla and classes with examples.
Detailed studies of followings:
(a) Protozoa
(i) Amoeba-Habit & Habitat, structure, locomotion, reproduction, Osmoregulation, Parasiticamoeba Entamoebahistolytica and Entamoebagingivalis, structure, diseases caused by them and their control measures.
(ii) Plasmodium vivax-life-cycle, malaria therapy and control.
(iii) Protozoan and diseases
(b) Porifera: A simple sponge ( Leucosolenia); Detailed study of structure & physiology, Sponge industry.
(c) Coelenterata: Hydra – Habit and Habitat, morphology, tissue differentiation in relation to physiological division of labour and regeneration.
(d) Aschelminthes: Ascaris- morphology, life-cycle, therapy and control.
(e) Annelida: Pheretimaposthuma – Bionomics and economic importance.
(f) Arthropoda: (Periplaneta): Structure- external and internal.
Comparison between Periplaneta and Blatta.
(i) Housefly & Mosquito: structure and life–cycle
(ii) Economic importance of insets & their control.


Plant Cell: Structure & functions electron microscopic structured mitochondria, Plastids centrosomes. Lysosomes, microsomes, endoplasmic reticulum, Nucleus, Golgibodes, D.N.A & R.N.A. Cytoplasm, membranes and cell wall.

Protoplasm: structure, components physical and chemical properties.
Cell division (formation) – free cell formation, Amitosis & Meiosis, Duplication of D.N.A.

Ecology: Ecological factors (atmospheric, edaphic, climatic, geological & biotic factors).

Ecosystem: Structure, components of ecosystem eg. Water-soluble minerals and gases, producers consumers, decomposers, Pond, and forest ecosystem.
Atmospheric pollution-causes and control, Types of pollution – Detergents, chemicals automobile exhaust, Radioactive matter, Smog, sound, Pesticides.

Genetics: Mendalism, Mendals experiment and law of inheritance.
Modern Classification of plant kingdom- (according to Ostwald &Tippo) (outline).
Seeds in angiospermic plants: description of development of angiospermic plants (life history of angiospermic plants).

Fruits: Dispersal of fruits and seeds

Cell Differentiation Plant Tissue: Meristematic classification of meristematic & permanent tissue and functions and classification of tissue system.

Anatomy of Root, stem and leaf: Difference between dicot and Monocot stem. Secondary growth of stem and root. Anatomy of hydrophytes, Xeophytes & Mesophytes.

Important Phylums:
Algae: Habitat, general characters & uses, description of ulothrix& spirogyra. Bacteria: structure – types of nutrition, reproduction and economic importance.
Fungi: structure description of Rhizopus and yeast and their economic importance, Fermentation.
Broyophyta: structure and economic importance, description of funaria (Moss)
Pteridophyta: general structures of pteridophytes description of fern (Droypteris) General study of gymnosperms and life history of cycas. Classification of angiosperm,
Description of families – identification and economic importance Cruciferae, Malvaceae, Leguminosae, compositeae, cucurbitaceae.
Soil: Absorption of water through root hairs osmosis, Translocation and Root pressure Nitrogen cycle. Special modes of nutrition in plants (Autotrophic, heterotrophic, Parasites, saprophytes, Symbionts insectivorous and their ecological relation.
Photosynthesis: Chloroplast, light, chlorophyll and Carbon dioxide, Mechanism of photosynthesis formation of A.T.P. and their functions and importance of photosynthesis.
Transpiration: factors and importance, Mechanism of opening and closing of stomata.
Respiration: aerobic, anaerobic respiration, mechanism of respiration (Glycolysis, Kreb’s cycle, E.T.S.)
Growth & movement: definition of growth, Region of growth & their measurements, types of movements in plants, Growth hormone.


Part – A: Mathematics & Aesthetic Sensitivity


Algebra: Sets relations & functions, De-Morgan’s Law, Mapping Inverse relations, Equivalence relations, Peano’s axioms, Definition of rationals and integers through equivalence relation, Indices and surds, Solutions of simultaneous and quadratic equations, A.P., G.P. and H.P., Special sums i.e. ∑n2 and ∑n3 (n∑N ), Partial
fraction, Binomial theorem for any index, exponential series, Logarithm and Logarithmic series. Determinants and their use in solving simultaneous linear equations, Matrices,Algebra of matrices, Inverse of a matrix, Use of matrix for solving equations.

Probability: Definition, Dependent and independent events, Numerical problem on addition and multiplication, theorem of probability.

Trigonometry: Identities, Trigonometric equations, properties of triangles, solution of triangles, heights and distances, Inverse function, Complex numbers and their properties, Cube roots of unity, De-Moivre’s theorem. Co-ordinate Geometry: Pair of straight lines, Circles, General equation of second degree, parabola, ellipse
and hyperbola, tracing of conics.

Calculus: Limits & continuity of functions, Differentiation of function of function, tangents & normal, Simple examples of Maxima & Minima, Indeterminate forms, Integration of function by parts, by substitution and by partial fraction, definite integral, application to volumes and surfaces of frustums of sphere, cone and cylinder. Differential equations of first order and of first degree.

Vectors: Algebra of vectors, scalar and vector products of two and three vectors and their applications.

Dynamics: Velocity, composition of velocity, relative velocity, acceleration, composition of accelerations, Motion under gravity, Projectiles, Laws of motion, Principles of conservation of momentum and energy, direct impact of smooth bodies.

Statics: Composition of coplanar, concurrent and parallel forces moments and couples resultant of a set of coplanar forces and condition of equilibrium, determination of centroid in simple cases,Problems involving friction.

FAQs of UPSEE Syllabus 2021

Que- Who Will conduct the UPSEE Examination 2021?

Ans- Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly known as Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU), conducts the UPSEE examination 2021 take admissions to various UG and PG professional courses.

Que- Is UPSEE Examination 2021 conduct online mode?

Ans- UPSEE Examination will be conducted offline mode in August 2021.

Que- How many time UPSEE held in a year?

Ans- UPSEE held only one time in a year, to 70 cities across in India.

Que- Is there any age limit for UPSEE Examination 2021?

Ans- No, There is no age limit for UPSEE Examination 2021.

Que- When will the result of UPSEE Exam 2021 will be declared by AKTU?

The results of UPSEE Exam 2021 will be declared in the third week of August 2021 (Expected) in online mode.

Que- Is it necessary to have Aadhaar card to fill UPSEE Application Form 2021?

Ans- Yes, It is necessary to have Aadhaar to fill the online application form of UPSEE.



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